Drug and Substance Addiction
Does your addiction rob you of a balanced life, money, pleasure and self-control?
Control and Remove your Addictions
Drugs interfere with normal brain functioning and prolonged use can lead to long-term detrimental effects on brain metabolism and activity.
Drug addiction is an uncontrollable craving
Drug addiction is an uncontrollable craving that needs treatment to overcome and resolve it. It usually consists of physical dependency and psychological dependency. Physical dependency means the body has become accustomed to the drug and withdrawal symptoms will be felt without it. Common withdrawal symptoms include sweating, tremors, insomnia, vomiting and headaches. Psychological dependency means the mind relies on the effects of the drug and its absence will initiate cravings.
Addiction can affect anyone and both legal and illegal drugs can be addictive. Quite often individuals experimenting with drugs are unaware of the full effects of that particular drug and the problems it can cause. The level of addiction differs between substances and also between individuals. Drugs are often categorised by the effect they produce, namely stimulants, depressants and hallucinogens.
There are many reasons why individuals may abuse drugs and these reasons will be different for different people.
Each addiction will have a different physiological and emotional trigger for its behaviour and I use rapid methods for powerful effective results. From your initial session you will be empowered to effect change and strive towards a new, better, addiction free you.

Do 12-step groups
programme you to fail?
If you are struggling to obtain a stable recovery in 12-step groups, consider the following:
When you repeatedly go to meetings, your subconscious mind is programmed to be powerless against the drugs and to believe that you have an incurable disease. You listen to stories of struggle and you are told that you should fear relapse. This makes no sense if you want to get over a problem.
Reinforcement of Weakness
Calling yourself an addict is a constant reinforcement of your weakness. I believe that the repetition of the statement increases one’s susceptibility to relapse..
Negative Memories
If a participant says, “I’m Steve and I am a drug addict,” it forces his mind to find all of the weakness and fear involved in identifying himself as an “addict”. The repetition over the years reinforces this belief. The negative memories and connections in his brain are constantly ignited by the repetition.
My Approach
Until recently, very little was known about how the brain could just turn off the desire for drugs/substances and how the subconscious mind could stop addictive urges.
The techniques I use are specifically created to change the triggers in the brain, stop self-sabotage issues, release trauma and redirect the neural pathways. When applying these same processes to clients who need drug addiction help, their addictive behaviours frequently stop and fear of relapse disappears.
My therapy involves changing the identity and beliefs that are causing the problem and creating a new identity about who the client is now.
Miraculous things happen when applied to an addictive client. It is so effective because it changes a person’s deepest beliefs about who they are.
When you conquer an addiction, you need to be something other than an “addict in recovery” for the rest of your life. The major weakness of 12-step programmes is that they actually force you to keep the “addict” identity for life. Seeing oneself as powerless is a mind-bogglingly misguided concept. This belief is exactly the opposite of what the mind needs to end an addictive behaviour.
A chronic substance misuser has a deep and powerful memory bank of failure, fears and hopelessness. Changing the way the brain reacts to these memories actually stops the cravings and the desire for drugs.
In order to end addiction, people need to surround themselves with positive beliefs about being healthy and having the power to stay strong and in control.
In therapy, instead of telling you who you are not, I implant an identity about who you are and who you want to be. We create a positive identity of being healthy, in control, powerful and free from a disease.
We know that the brain is constantly changing. The neuroplasticity of the brain allows us to create new neural connections by instigating rapid intervention therapies. By breaking the old neuro connections, we can actually re-wire the response your subconscious mind has to the sight, smell or thought of the addiction – forcing your mind to trigger an entirely new feeling and behaviour. Subsequently when you are exposed to any of the old addictive triggers, your brain doesn’t automatically respond in the old way, because it feels stronger and healthier. The very thing that used to instigate cravings and relapse now actually reinforces the commitment to cease the addictive behaviour.
When you are seeing, feeling and experiencing yourself having a healthy life that is free from addiction, and experiencing having long ago put addiction in your past, your brain creates a new memory. You are actually growing new neural pathways. These neural networks get wired together to make the new reactions an integral part of your new behaviour.
We all know the power of the subconscious mind. Phobia fear involves evoking triggers that are out of one’s conscious control, resulting in heightened anxiety states. The same thing happens with drug and substance addiction.
My work with drug/substance addiction has shown some truly miraculous results!
Imagine a life free of Drug/Substance Addiction, a life where you are no longer controlled by a “ fix “ of a chemical or substance?.